Finch Playfield circa 1925 #G0086_1
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Photograph Copyright Anderson & Middleton Company
United States Washington (State) Aberdeen
Thanks to Terri Middleton for contributing information. Edward Finch, developer of his namesake building and the playground in Aberdeen, as well as Finch Farms south of the Chehalis River, had experienced poverty, been a state senator, a millionaire, and a philanthropist.
Additional thanks to Sam Talley, who notes: "The wading pool was scheduled to be filled in because of maintance and insurance expenses. The slide in the far back was known in the 1950's as the best around Aberdeen or Hoquiam because of the two humps in it. We'd sit on waxed bread sacks and shoot down that thing like rockets. When we went over the humps it was like being launched. We'd have contests as to who could shoot off the bottom end the farthest. Notice the park bench under the bush: We'd attach a bench like like this between the two swings (left of the slide) and make a big 'bench swing' so several kids could ride on it. It's a wonder we didn't wear out that park."